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  • +91 - 950 2050 550
  • hr@ireshtechnologies.com

Service Detail

What We Offer


Business Analysis Consulting

Iresh Business Analysis Consulting is a professional Business Analysis Consulting and staffing firm passionately provides a team of I.T. Consultants, Professional Business/System Analysts and Project Managers to public and private industry throughout the World.


Digital transformation

With the right choice of business-supporting technologies, we help enterprises go beyond automating traditional methods and processes and explore new ways to boost business and even transform business models. We operate in various domains including healthcare, retail, banking, telecoms, manufacturing and more and carefully gather experience in delivering reliable IT solutions with the focus on industry specifics. We are ready to join your IT journey regardless of your digital maturity level and help choose most profitable technology innovations to leverage your business and improve the experience of your employees and customers.



  • Software Development Services
  • Cloud Computing
  • Project Management
  • Robotic Process Automation
  • Business Intelligence Tools
  • Network Infrastructure Management

R&D (Research and Development)

Iresh Technologies offers a wide range of Engineering R&D Services that can transform an innovative idea into a complete product. Innovation is a key driver for businesses today and as IT moves towards cloud-centric strategies for service delivery and customer engagement, R&D Engineering services play a huge in role in application and product development. Products are only as good as the research and the accompanying Engineering R&D efforts put in by companies, and such efforts are instrumental in setting the disruptors apart

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